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Sip & Socialize: The CoffeeBadging Trend


If you are a business owner or a manager who wants to bring all the employees back to the office after a remote working stint, you need to know about this new trend that’s taking over: Coffee Badging. 

Employees have long enjoyed the benefits of working from the comfort of their homes or whilst they are traveling. Unfortunately, businesses find it challenging to run 100% remotely. There needs to be some in-office interaction for better coordination, cooperation, and success. As a result, employers are now eagerly calling their employees back to their desks and meeting rooms. But wait! Do the employees want to come back? The coffee badging trend answers it. 

In this blog, we will explore the following important topics:

  • What is the coffee badging trend?
  • Why has it emerged?
  • What is its impact?
  • What can be done about it?

What Is the Coffee Badging Trend?

There’s clearly a return-to-office standoff between employees and employers, increasing employee disengagement. When employers force their workforce to return to full-time in-office, it appears as if they do not care about what the employees want. Result? Employees feel frustrated and unhappy. 

Their response is pretty simple: Come to the office, show your face for a while, and then slide back to a private workplace. In short, coffee badging. It is a trend whereby employees make a quick appearance in the office, grab a coffee (or water or tea), and have a little chit-chat with their peers before promptly leaving for their home office or another remote spot. 

What do they want to show here? “Hey, boss! I am still around (but not really).” 

Unfortunately, coffee badging derails the company culture to a great extent. To get more specific, it harms internal communication. But before we get to that, let’s understand why it emerged. 

Why Are Employees Coffee Badging?

For someone who has worked remotely for a good two years, getting back to the office can be a serious challenge. After all, office means:

  • Clocking in 8 hours 
  • Being around a lot of people
  • Uncomfortable desks and chairs (back pain? Stiff shoulders? Neck ache? It’s never-ending)
  • Constant supervision 
  • Rigid structure 
  • Unnecessary conversations (PS: We all have that one person we don’t want to talk to but have to)
  • Traveling hassles 

And that’s not all. Here are some far more important reasons why your employees might be coffee badging.

Lack of autonomy

Think about how it feels to come to work and be treated like just another cog in the machine. For many employees, that’s their reality. They don’t have much say in their tasks or how they get things done. Without autonomy, they start to feel undervalued and disengaged. So, they coffee badge—they show up, but their heart isn’t in it. It’s like they’re silently protesting. 

Lack of Flexibility

Rigid work schedules and strict office policies can really cramp your style. In today’s world, where balancing work and life is crucial, a lack of flexibility can be a big downer. Some folks have personal commitments or just work better at different times of the day. If they don’t have flexibility, they might feel stuck and unmotivated. And that’s when coffee badging kicks in.

Less Comfort

Comfort at work is more important than you might think. An uncomfortable office setup, poor lighting, or lack of amenities can make the office feel unwelcoming. In addition to that, a stressful or unsupportive work environment will cause employees to start to disengage. They’ll show up just enough to avoid getting into trouble but won’t truly contribute. 

The Impact It Leaves

If your team does not deem the office environment to be worth it, mark this: there’s going to be a long-term impact. Here’s what it would look like.

Breakdown in Communication

Workplaces thrive on communication, and so does success. When employees start coffee badging, real communication breaks down. 

Your members aren’t engaging in meaningful conversations or sharing ideas. Instead, they’re just going through the motions, doing the bare minimum to get by. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and a general decline in team cohesion. 

What is the long-term impact? When people aren’t talking, problems don’t get solved, and innovation stalls. Consequently, this breakdown severely impacts your business’s ability to grow and adapt.

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No Social Fitness

When people don’t feel the office environment is worth their time, social fitness takes a hit. Employees stop participating in social activities, team-building events, and even casual office banter. Result? A cold, impersonal atmosphere where people feel isolated. 

Plus, when there’s no camaraderie or sense of community, morale drops. Moreover, a lack of social fitness can lead to higher turnover rates as employees seek more fulfilling workplaces where they feel connected and valued.

Collaborative Silos

You may see your employees casually chatting before they drop off. The question is: how effective is it? The truth is that it is all a facade. Your employees are still working in silos. 

Instead of collaborating and sharing knowledge, they stick to their own tasks and avoid reaching out to others. This silo mentality can hurt projects that require teamwork and cross-departmental efforts. 

It stifles creativity and limits the flow of information, making it harder for teams to work efficiently and effectively. Over time, these collaborative silos can lead to:

  • Duplicated efforts
  • Wasted resources
  • Missed opportunities for innovation

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How Can You Tackle Coffee Badging?

Effectively tackling coffee badging without forcing your employees too much is a skilful task. Here’s what you can try doing:

  • Trust your employees to make decisions and manage their workforce
  • Retain the hybrid model as much as you can
  • Ensure your workplace is ergonomic and well-lit, with kitchen access, relaxation areas, and outdoor spaces
  • Create opportunities for interaction via social events, team lunches, and casual gathering 
  • Regularly assess employee satisfaction and adjust accordingly 

Wrapping Up

That’s a wrap-on coffee badging for you. Remember, your employees are not coffee-badging because they don’t want to work. For most of them, coming to the office after working remotely for a long time is simply not a choice they want to make. They are simply trying to avoid the distraction, unnecessary conversations, stress, travel, and being governed all the time. So if you can solve this for your employees, we don’t see a problem anymore!

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