Digital Media Marketing

Podcast: The Big Thing in Digital Marketing


Did you know that ‘WTF is‘ was one of the top podcasts on Spotify? Hosted by Nikhil Kamath, the co-founder of Zerodha, it features 17 episodes so far, each at least 2 hours long. Following its success, the Indian entrepreneur has launched another podcast series titled ‘People by WTF.’ 

Needless to say, he has garnered a lot of attention and appreciation from the audience for the quality of content he is putting out. But more than that, it has allowed Nikhil to:

  • Show his authentic self
  • Build his personal brand
  • Spark conversations 
  • Share his insights 
  • Position himself as a thought-leader
  • Give the audience a chance to know the entrepreneurs and creators they admire

Since his podcast invites guests, including founders of different brands, creators, and C-suite executives, it’s a chance for all these guests to build their personal brands. It’s a platform for them to share their stories and direct attention toward their businesses. 

Simply put, it’s a chance for these individuals to show who they are, why their brands are some of the sought-after brands today, and what they think of the industry at present. That’s why podcasts are the BIG THING in the world of Digital Marketing

Numbers Speak! 

A 2023 survey on podcast listening trends in India found that over a quarter of Indians tune into podcasts daily. Additionally, 25% of respondents reported listening to podcasts one or more times per week. Big numbers, right! Wait until we tell you about 2024. 

There were about 4.18 million podcasts globally in May. Furthermore, the number of podcast listeners worldwide is expected to increase to 504.9 million. Well, truth be told, the numbers are only going to increase.

What does this suggest? Read on…

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What Can Podcasts Do for Your Brand?

Podcasts are slowly becoming a tool for brands to connect with their audience in a personal and engaging way. This trend is rapidly growing in India, offering brands a unique opportunity to reach and resonate with their target market. Those who’ve adopted it have already started reaping its benefits. 

However, it continues to remain an untapped space for many brands for varied reasons. Some don’t completely understand how it may benefit them, while others lack the resources it needs. We will focus on the former in this section. 

Here’s how podcasts can benefit your brand:

Enhance Brand Awareness

Podcasts are an excellent medium to boost brand visibility. They provide a platform to share your brand’s story, values, and expertise with a wide audience. 

For instance, “The Ranveer Show” by Ranveer Allahbadia covers topics from fitness and personal growth to business insights, making it a go-to resource for many listeners. By associating your brand with valuable content, you can enhance your visibility and credibility.

Also Read: How to create a Brand Awareness campaign on Facebook?

Establish Thought Leadership

Positioning your brand as a thought leader is crucial, and podcasts provide the perfect platform for sharing insights and expert opinions. 

For instance, ‘The BarberShop With Shantanu‘ is a podcast series by Shantanu, the founder of Bombay Shaving Company and Bombae. With 3 seasons so far, the podcast calls entrepreneurs and goes deep with them, exploring all facets of entrepreneurship and personal life. 

This very exchange of stories brings out the insights and expertise these entrepreneurs have, showcasing why they are who they are. Plus, it is a chance for the audience to know these entrepreneurs and their mindsets. This makes it easier for them to trust the brands they’re buying from or want to explore. 

Drive Engagement and Traffic

Podcasts can drive MADDD engagement and traffic to your website, social media platforms, and e-commerce stores. How? 

  • Use podcasts to directly promote products, services, or upcoming events, encouraging immediate action from listeners.
  • Collaborate with other podcasters or influencers for mutual promotion, expanding your reach.
  • Transcribe episodes to boost search engine visibility with relevant keywords and content.
  • Invite industry experts as guests to enhance credibility and attract their followers to your content.
  • Repurpose podcast episodes into blog posts, videos, or social media snippets for broader reach.

Tap Into a Niche Audience

It’s difficult to tap into a very specific group of people who are interested and invested in your brand. Podcasts make it easier as long as you focus on a particular niche. For instance, “The Musafir Stories” podcast caters to travel enthusiasts in India, providing travel brands, influencers, and their likes a targeted audience.

How To Start A Podcast for Your Brand?

Starting a podcast may seem like a complex procedure, but really, it’s not, as long as you know what you want to talk about. Here’s a quick framework with you to work with. 

  • Content strategy: You need to start by defining what you want to talk about and who you want to talk to (target audience). You also need to decide on other aspects like the length of the podcast, language, and format. It’s better to plan in advance for consistency. 
  • Equipment: The internet is going to choose quality over quantity. So, you will have to invest in a good microphone, headphones, and recording software for high-quality audio production. If it’s a video podcast, then you will need to arrange for cameras, lights, background, etc. 
  • Hosting Platform: You need to choose a hosting platform based on your podcast formats. Some platforms only offer audio podcasts, while some allow for video formats as well. The goal is to choose a reliable podcast hosting service to store and distribute your episodes to major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.
  • Promotion plan: No one will know that you have a podcast unless you shout it out LOUD. So, develop a strategy to promote each episode across social media, your website, email newsletters, and any other brand communication you may have. 
  • Host: You also need a confident and reliable host, someone who knows your brand and industry inside out and can hold conversations. You don’t need this person to just appear smart but actually be smart. If your founder or any C-suite executive can do it, nothing like it. 

Wrapping Up

There are a hundred podcasts out there from which you can get inspired. Study them thoroughly to identify the theme, their format, why it’s working for them, and how they are using this podcast to grow their business. After all, the right time is NOW! 

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