Social Media

How to Craft Social Media Videos That Capture Attention and Drive Engagement



Brands are now into fierce competition to standout on social media upskilling their marketing efforts and hopping on trends to keep you hooked.  

Given the popularity of social media, it became a necessity for brands to have an online presence. From startups, small businesses to big renowned and established brands, everyone is thriving for a good online presence. The time and attention-grabbing factor of social media is what makes it so appealing to everyone.   

Scrolling has become so addictive widely popularizing content consumption at your fingertips. However, given the busy lifestyle, tight schedules, and short attention spans, short form content became the new normal. Reels, product advertisements, celebrity endorsements, games and quiz post etc add up to increase online engagement.  

Here are Top 5 tips on how you can craft a social media video that capture attention:

1: Latch on current trends or viral challenges:

Tapping into current trends or viral challenges is all about increasing your brand’s visibility. You may have seen many popular brands staying in trend by creating content around viral memes, songs, videos or joining the hashtag trend.  

Your content ability to be seen, heard or shared increases making it popular and giving your brand the spotlight it needs. However, being mindful is the key here, make sure to not lose the essence of your brand, or its identity, so while you hop on a recent trend align it to your brand. Smoothly giving your brand, the spot while also creating an enjoyable reel.  


Also Read: Short-Form Content Will Sweep Off The Internet; Know Why?

2: Keep it simple, easy to understand:

In the habitual practice of scrolling your content needs to be click worthy. “It means your content should grip the viewers and engage them ultimately converting them into consumers/buyers”.  

Shorter attention span and quick scrolling has enabled content’s attention-grabbing factor to be quicker and easier. Keep your content simple and to the point, without showering a viewer with too much information.  

  • Use simple language  
  • Keep content short and precise 
  • Make it fun  
  • Catchy tune or song 
  • Use modern means of communication i.e. Instagram, twitter, YouTube, effectively 
  • Sutley highlight your brand through the content 

 This will ensure the viewers grasp the main element and the messaging of the content clearly. It will make your marketing efforts set right and fruitful.  


3: Catchy concept:

In the vast horizon of content creation, standing apart from your competitors and drawing attention is the key factor. With thousands of posts or content we scroll, your content needs to engage a user in seconds given the attention span of users reducing significantly.  

A catchy concept/idea will register your brand into any viewer’s mind. Keep your content pact with humor, fun elements, interesting dialogues, or visuals that interest your viewer. So, the next time you plan your content strategy make it engaging and hookworthy.  


Swiggy Instamart recent post ft Influencer Aaryann Kataria, and their Insta modak facility, where you get box of modaks for free after ringing the bell. It promotes the brand effectively by serving instant facility, while also keeping the festive celebration in spotlight.  

4: Align it to your brand:

You may hop on to every other content on your social media and create content but if it doesn’t tap into your brand, it’s just another reel.  

Set your ideas, carefully aligning them to your brand. It should strategically display your brand with each of your messaging and online communication.   

Key ideas:

  • Highlight your brand’s purpose, feature, or need 
  • Display how your brand’s product or service is the ideal solution 
  • Communicate your brand’s voice, goals and objective 
  • Craft a good message/ make your content of meaning and value.  


Swiggy on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi has highlighted the joy of relishing fresh modak carefully putting their brand in light as well 

5: Directive CTA:

The impact of CTA (Call to Action) put and used correctly into your content is not much talked about. But it is crucial with every piece of content you craft. It’s basically the prompt to make a certain action directing a viewer/user after watching your video.  

A CTA could direct a user to their certain website, social media page, sales, menu or ordering page action. It’s important to always guide your user towards the necessary action of buying from you but put smoothly through your content. Deciding when and where to put your CTA depends on your content type or its flow. However, using it correctly is what makes it a success for your brand.  



Impulse Digital as a constantly evolving Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, evolves with the expanding digital capabilities. Bringing our client’s needs in order and always being in the loop with trends and recent happenings. To make sure your brand is updated, coordinating with your expectations and needs to be met correctly.  

To collaborate with us on your next project or if you need help with your digital needs, contact us on: 


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