Search Engine Optimization

How Google’s AI Update is Evolving Search Efficiency



The prevalent presence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is spreading everywhere and is actively seen evolving various industries, jobs, applications, and social media. It is transforming how we see the world of technology with enhanced intelligence. With the emergence of AI’s prominent presence, here’s another update: the recent integration of AI in Google’s search labs. 

Also Read: 18 Best AI Tools For Video Editing and Creation

This new feature of Generative AI on Google is sure to transform the user experience, enhancing it more than ever with faster searches, useful insights, and content on the go. Although it’s a nightmare for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) pros but a boon for users trying to find accurate and relevant information quickly. 

Let’s understand how this feature of Search lab works:

Just as AI helps you save time and effort, this feature will save you the hassle of scanning multiple sites by bringing more compact, efficient, and relevant data to you in an overview.  

Steps to explore your Search labs:

Step 1:

Go to Google and make sure you’re logged in to your account. 

Step 2:

Click on the icon of Search lab. 

Step 3:

Here’s an overview understanding of the AI’s overview on your search results.  

Step 4

Remember to turn this feature on to enable it. However, turning it off will not disable the feature outside of Labs.  


Step 5:

Now type your search query into Google’s search bar, just like you normally do.  


Powered by AI’s feature, Search Labs gives you an overview of the content related to your search. 

You will see your screen divided into two: one side shows the overview of your search generated through AI, and the other side on the right displays the relevant sites used to generate its information. 

Step 6:

There you go—you have a compact result for your search, saving you the hassle of sifting through various sites to obtain your information.  

Advantages of Google Search lab’s Integration with AI:

  • Multiple languages available 
  • It also offers a listen feature to have your search results read aloud 
  • Compact search result 
  • Saves time of research  
  • Easy to use 

A possible disadvantage is that it is still in the testing phase. Hence, it does not apply to all your searches. Since generative AI is new and incomplete, its availability and quality of results may vary. 

Also Read: Generative Engine Optimization (GEO): Key Factors & How to Do It?

A Hit of Wave to Your SEO Efforts!

As interesting and simplified as it is for users, it presents a wave of challenges for SEO professionals. They now have to compete more than ever to rank in the top results of the overview links. 

This change is going to affect CTR rates and search volume dynamically. It will also impact SEO strategies, requiring more quality content and adding to the competitive fight to top the search results. SEO will now need to focus on the specific intent behind users’ queries for more well-defined search results. However, SEO experts will navigate this challenge with smart strategies and comprehensive analysis.  

Also Read: 5 Important SEO Metrics Which You Should Be Aware Of


It is no exaggeration or merely hype around the popularity of AI. It is constantly growing with necessary features and advanced support to make human life simpler and better. 

With every update, we climb the ladder of new technologies and advancements in various industries and sectors. Since this feature is still in the testing phase, it is likely to undergo a few more changes until its full integration. But it does seem promising to users. 

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