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ChatGPT-4o vs. Previous Versions: What’s New and Improved?


ChatGPT– 4o is here alreadyYet again, ChatGPT managed to catch our attention amid its latest update. It is making headlines with its new flagship model, but is it worth the hype? Well, let’s find out.  

Leaving behind all its previous versions, the launch of the new ChatGPT 4o took the storm with its Omnimodel, which has advanced AI capabilities. From enhancing browsing experience with real-time features, surprising its users with more updated support overall that is sure to take strides into the wonders of AI capabilities. 

What’s New with ChatGPT 4o 

  • A higher advanced capabilities supporting voice, text and vision. 
  • Enhanced speed support in searches. 
  • Real-time audio and quick responses. 
  • Changing the browsing experience to a more convenient and quick facility. 
  • It supports 50 different languages, enabling more users from around the world. 
  •  Understands emotions.  

Also Read: Top 5 Limitations of ChatGPT and Why SEO Does Not Recommend It? 

Let’s Understand How Effective the New Model is:  

1: Overall Layout  

The latest version is more like a creative board, which is voice-enabled as well. One can now click pictures and ask GPT for responses based on images as well. 

Advanced tools like Image generation, uploading PDFs, browsing real-time information, and links make it more reliable and convenient to use. However, earlier versions did not have access to real-time information or a browser, but now ChatGPT is smarter and better.  


If you have a PDF for research and need to summarize it without having to read it out completely, simply upload your PDF, and your AI will scan its pages to bring you more compact information. 

Also Read: 18 Best AI Tools For Video Editing and Creation

2: Voice Search Over Written Search  

With modernization comes the utmost convenience. We now live such a fast-paced life, juggling between two activities simultaneously; hence, voice integration has become greatly popular over time with voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. 

“Did you know you can now have two-way, real-time conversations with your ChatGPT”?  

The latest version is highly skilled in all three forms of communication, including voice, text, and vision. This feature enhances the user experience to another level with real-time interactive conversations. One can learn, ask, and explore a pool of information in seconds, allowing it to be a smooth experience overall.  

3: Audio & Visual Support  

The new version does not support the voice feature right now. However, it is in progress, and the visual and text support has improved.  

You can choose which version to use. It can also help you with real-time browsing, enabling data from different websites serving current and ongoing information.  

Its audio and visual support help you communicate and answer your queries more simply and conveniently. It can also pick tones for enhanced results.  

Also Read: Unlock Free ChatGPT Voice On Mobile App

4: User Friendly (Language Support)  

However good any application, tool, or innovation is, it needs to be user-friendly first.  

What makes it user-friendly? Language support or a simple layout of usage primarily ensures it is used and proven to be useful among various age groups and diverse populations around the world.  

In addition, the new ChatGPT is available in 50 different languages. Yes, we can now use it to communicate with people around the world.  


If you’re in a meeting with a client from overseas who does not speak your language, you can use the real-time interaction feature to communicate widely and reach out to people. Be it a work call or a travel trip, it is sure to be convenient for all. 

4: Emotional Capabilities  

Well, this certainly breaks the norm of AI tools and applications not having emotions. Earlier, ChatGPT lacked emotions and had various limitations to its abilities, making it more of a robotic friend to its users.  

However, it can now catch emotions, speak in various tones, and be guided to have a certain form of tone, pitch, and empathy. This makes it easier when you want to communicate in a certain way.  

5: Costing  

A major drawback and limitation of this new version is that you have usage limitations after a certain number of searches. This is in addition to limited access to GPT 4o and limited file uploads. 

A free user is also denied a variety of features, and after a few searches on ChatGPT 4o, it automatically switches to the previous version. So, if you are a free user, you might find this a huge drawback.   


Parameters  ChatGPT previous models  ChatGPT 4o 

(Latest model) 

Overall search performance The previous models have a simple search layout that only works based on text generation.  It is enabled with enhanced search options that support text, voice, and vision functioning as well. 
Advanced features  
  • Limited real-time data 
  • Limited access to information up till 2021 



  • Real-time data support 
  • More relevant and recent information 


Response speed Lag in between searches.  


Lag-free functioning  

Much faster response generation. 

Audio performance Responses might be irrelevant and slow and based on limited information. It now supports real-time conversation and quick support. 
Language support The basic language model supports 30-40 languages. Supports 50+ languages and is capable of better understanding to create useful responses. 

  • Enhanced language support.  
Vision performance Not supported  Now, you can search, understand and learn with images. Real-time video supports making two-way communication better.  
Emotion  Lacks emotions  More user-friendly and conversational. 
Possible disadvantage/ 


Not updated for real-time accessibility.  
  • Limited access to ChatGPT 4o version for free users.  
  • Limited file and image support for free users.  



The progression of Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly super-fast and unmatched making it a continuous journey of learning, evolving, and making daily life easier for people across wide sectors. 

As a Digital Marketing Agency, we believe we are the foremost part of Digital evolution and constant learning. Hence, we deliver the best possible digital marketing results to our clients by staying updated and working on various strategies that work for your brand. To collaborate with us, get in touch at [email protected].  

Check our blogs to catch up and briefly understand the latest social media and digital world. 

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