Social Media

How Start-Ups Can Master Social Media: 5 Key Skills to Develop for Maximum Impact



Living in the digital era, social media is a prominent a part of our daily life. To grow your business in the ever-changing market, social media marketing is the essential tool to effectively navigate your brand in the vast competitive market. The hype surrounding its popularity is indeed justified. Whether it’s communicating, connecting with businesses or engaging with consumers directly, social media is almost like a language known and spoken by all.  

In addition to this, did you know, “India stands second at having the largest social media users around the globe”. Which also indicates an essential need for an active social media presence with right messaging and good strategy to elevate your business.  

Here are 5 Essentials Things You Need to Master your Social Media Presence:

1: Stay Trendy and Adaptable

Just regular posting is not enough! One needs to stay in trend and hold adaptability to hop onto new viral trends on social media. 

One should keep an eye on the latest trends, media platform updates, viral challenges or songs, hashtags and look out for competitors. While videos are catching maximum attention and are highly promoted through social media algorithms. Social media video production needs to be focused on.  


Credits- Orginal Creator

Creating videos and adapting to these latest trends will boost your content’s visibility and encourage more engagement towards your brand. It also helps in raising awareness about your brand subtly while also staying in trend and entertaining viewers.  

2: Hook-Worthy & Engaging Content

Your content holds key value, remember all the taglines stuck in your head for years now. These taglines or copies manage to catch your attention.  

Think of all the random products you purchased or got aware of certain offers, product/ brand awareness, various services you discovered through social media post. Content management & Social media marketing are important aspects that your brand needs from start-up phrase to forever. Many brands also hold engaging quizzes, polls, and Q&A sessions which help communicate and understand the brand, product or service better. 


Credits- Orginal Creator

However, one’s post copies, visuals, words must be done in a way to interest and engage your target audience. Further interesting them into your product or service.  

3: Paid Ads and Strategic Budget Management

Small businesses often lack proper marketing budget management and may face issues with paid ads. Investing in paid ads is extremely crucial for your business.  

One should effectively segregate their Ad spend budget, and strategically create budgets. Being a small business, you want to create your brand awareness in the market, which is possible through paid ads. It helps you reach a large audience in a short time, and with paid ads we can generate leads at lower cost as well. 

4: Mastering Creativity

Creativity goes a long way. From every social media post you see, videos you engage in, hoardings and posters you read or see everything needs to ultimately be creative to catch any viewers attention.  

Likewise, your social media presence is the same, it needs to be highly creative to make your audience wait, read or grasp and learn about your brand. Choice of colors, words, images and graphical representation, dialogues, illustrations make a great difference. 

One needs to plan strategies targeting various problems or certain concepts that need to be highlighted or focused on.  


Credits- Orginal Creator

Hiring a creative digital marketing agency will help take care of all your social media creativity under one roof. Saving you from the trouble of managing your social media page and maintaining an active presence online.  

5: Understanding Your Brand and Target Audience

Lastly, you may be creative, allocate ample marketing budgets, create good content and stay in trend but what tops the list of essentials is understanding your target audience.  

You need to align your brand to its target audience to attain good results. Communicate your brand’s goals, values, motive and messaging through the social media channels. This helps connect with your target audience better and customize your content and engagement strategies effectively.  


Facing issues with how you can take care of your business and all these parameters at the same time. We got you covered!  

Reach out to a digital marketing agency that takes care of all these services for you, while you can focus on developing your brand. Being in the digitally driven world, it is a must to create a good social media presence exposing your brand to the dynamics of the market. 

Reach out to Impulse Digital- Digital marketing agency in Mumbai, to manage all your digital services under one roof and derive great results.   


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